| | PUBLISHER Blue KingfisherBOOK FORMAT Paperback, 9.75 x 11 in. / 204 pgs / 80 color / 32 bw PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 8/2/2004 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2004 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9789628638871 TRADE List Price: $40.00 CAD $50.00 AVAILABILITY Not available | TERRITORY NA LA ASIA AU/NZ | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
|   |   | BLUE KINGFISHERWang GuangyiEssays by Karen Smith and Yan Shanchen. Interview by Charles Merewether.
The yardstick by which we evaluate our culture should be based on our own experience. And what could be a richer cultural resource from which to derive meaning than the socialist visual experience.... --Wang Guangyi
This retrospective look at the 17-year oeuvre of one of the giants of Chinese contemporary art forms a rich tapestry of imagery, ideas, and ideology. From the mid-80s onward, Wang Guangyi has stood as a primary role model for his fellow artists, beginning with his parodies of masterpieces from the history of Western art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Virgin and Child with St. Anne and Jacques-Louis David's Marat. His large-scale Mao paintings mocked propaganda imagery, and from there he moved on to Great Criticism, his internationally recognizable Pop reworking of cultural revolution sloganism.
| | | | |  | SKIRAISBN: 9788857251417 USD $35.00 | CAD $50Pub Date: 3/5/2024 Active | Out of stock
|  | SkiraISBN: 9788857215679 USD $95.00 | CAD $120Pub Date: 12/10/2013 Active | In stock
|  | SkiraISBN: 9788857221106 USD $45.00 | CAD $57.5Pub Date: 10/21/2014 Active | In stock
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FORMAT: Paperback, 9.75 x 11 in. / 204 pgs / 80 color / 32 b&w LIST PRICE: U.S. $40.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $50 ISBN: 9789628638871 PUBLISHER: Blue Kingfisher AVAILABLE: 8/2/2004 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not available TERRITORY: NA LA ASIA AU/NZ | D.A.P. CATALOG: FALL 2004 | PRESS INQUIRIES
Tel: (212) 627-1999 ext 217 Fax: (212) 627-9484 Email Press Inquiries: publicity@dapinc.com | TRADE RESALE ORDERS
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| Wang Guangyi Published by Blue Kingfisher. Essays by Karen Smith and Yan Shanchen. Interview by Charles Merewether. The yardstick by which we evaluate our culture should be based on our own experience. And what could be a richer cultural resource from which to derive meaning than the socialist visual experience....
--Wang Guangyi
This retrospective look at the 17-year oeuvre of one of the giants of Chinese contemporary art forms a rich tapestry of imagery, ideas, and ideology. From the mid-80s onward, Wang Guangyi has stood as a primary role model for his fellow artists, beginning with his parodies of masterpieces from the history of Western art, including Leonardo da Vinci's Virgin and Child with St. Anne and Jacques-Louis David's Marat. His large-scale Mao paintings mocked propaganda imagery, and from there he moved on to Great Criticism, his internationally recognizable Pop reworking of cultural revolution sloganism.
| VIEW MORE ONLINE AT: https://www.artbook.com/9628638874.html |
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