Jesper Just: Film Works 2001 - 2007 Published by Witte de With Publishers. Preface by Sophie von Olfers. Introduction by Nina Folkersma. Text by Andrew Renton, Ilsa Colsell, Jacob Lillemose. Jesper Just, who works mainly in film, represents one of the most interesting and pressing artistic positions in moving image production today. Just has stated that he does not seek to create narratives that must be "read" or "understood" in any particular way, suggesting that there is not solely one way of interpreting the dynamics between the characters. Rather, the works should be regarded as incessantly shifting parts in Just's larger sociopolitical inquiry into the nature of human interaction and relationships--their pitfalls, failures and perversions, but also their dignity and beauty.
At almost 250 pages, this substantial new publication includes a wide range of images, including documentation of a recent shoot in Copenhagen, and a selection of musical scores by composer and conductor Petri Sirviö, Just's collaborator on the 2006 trilogy, It Will All End In Tears. Just is represented in New York by Perry Rubenstein Gallery.