Katharina Sieverding: Close-Ups Published by KW Institute for Contemporary Art. Essays by Norman Bryson, Klaus Biesenbach, Sabeth Buchmann, Katja Diefenbach, Alanna Heiss, Brian O'Doherty, Daniel Marzona, Abigail Solomon-Godeau and Amy Smith Stewart. This full-color catalogue presents a broad overview of Katharina Sieverding's technically processed and manipulated photographic close-ups. They are reproduced here as full-bleeds--faces close to the lens, eyes staring directly into the camera with proposed implication. Sierverding creates what has been described as a “phantasmagoric series of characters... relentless, confrontational and frightening but also seductive and vulnerable.” Accompanying these 300 images is Joseph Beuys' overview of Sieverding's early work, up to her current works that focus on self-portraits.