Ulrike Flaig: Soundcheck - Installations Published by Hatje Cantz. Edited by Renate Wiehager. Essays by Christoph Tannert, Beat Wyss. In her complex work SOUNDCHECK, Ulrike Flaig presents the viewer with an artist's field of investigation. Her installations feature floodlights, vodka glasses, rifle dummies, nylon stockings, light beams, shadowgraphs, sounds and letters. Some of her works look like rough-hewn shacks or makeshift shelters; others resemble delicate transitory visions dissolving before the viewer's eyes. Change itself, the very state of transition and movement, is a recurring theme in Flaig's experimental groupings. Here drawing, photography, film, installation, and sound production are equally valid means to an end. Flaig shows a space where things breathe, flow, blink, reflect, where pictures and sounds are made--the space where the not-yet-determined can revel in its state of suspense. This deliberate, non-finite quality of her installations serves to generate an evocative, disjointed pictorial narrative guiding the viewer to the event horizon of the artist's aesthetic vision.