The Complete Artintact 1994-99 Artist's Interactive CD-ROMagazine on DVD-ROM Published by Hatje Cantz. Artwork by Luc Courchesne, Masaki Fujihata, Agnes Hegedus, Eric Lanz, George Legrady, Miroslaw Rogala, Bill Seaman, Aina Smid, Anja Wiese, Peter Weibel. Contributions by Erkki Huhtamo, Dieter Daniels, Tamas Waliczky, Jean-Louis Boissier, Ken Feingold, Marina Grzinic, Dieter Kiessling. Text by Timothy Druckrey, Anne-Marie Duguet, Jean Gagnon, Gerhard Lischka, Peter Lunenfeld, Timothy Murray, Peggy Phelan, Perry Hoberman. From 1994-1999, the Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe presented pioneering works of interactive media art in a book-and-CD-ROM package called artintact. This virtual museum is collected here, in its entirety, to ensure the continued viewability of these works of digital art whose mediums may or may not survive the rapid advancements of our technological world.