| | PUBLISHER ApertureBOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 9 x 9 in. / 144 pgs / 97 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 9/1/2007 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION Contact Publisher Catalog: PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781597110525 TRADE List Price: $40.00 CAD $50.00 AVAILABILITY Not Available | EXHIBITION SCHEDULENew York Aperture Gallery, 05/22/08-7/31/08 | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | APERTURERichard Ross: Architecture of AuthorityText by John R. MacArthur.
For the past several years--and with seemingly limitless access--photographer Richard Ross has been making unsettling and thought-provoking pictures of architectural spaces that exert power over the individuals within them. From a Montessori preschool to churches, mosques and diverse civic spaces including a Swedish courtroom, the Iraqi National Assembly hall and the United Nations, the images in Architecture of Authority build to ever harsher manifestations of power: an interrogation room at Guantánamo, segregation cells at Abu Ghraib, and finally, a capital punishment death chamber. Though visually cool, this work deals with hot-button issues--from the surveillance that increasingly intrudes on post-9/11 life to the abuse of power and the erosion of individual liberty. The connections among the various architectures are striking, as Ross points out: "The Santa Barbara Mission confessional and the LAPD robbery homicide interrogation rooms are the same intimate proportions. Both are made to solicit a confession in exchange for some form of redemption." Essay by Harper's Magazine publisher, John R. MacArthur, also a columnist for the Toronto Globe and Mail.
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