Odd Nerdrum: Paintings Published by Forum Gallery, New York. This slender catalogue features the most recent body of work by the important figurative artist Odd Nerdrum. The condition of man, alone in the universe, has long been Nerdrum's essential subject, and the eight new paintings detailed here continue themes repeatedly explored by this consummate representational painter, including such basic feelings and needs as love, fear, reverence and conflict, as well as the ideas of man cast against nature, society versus solitude and the limits of man's location within the universe. Featuring haunting self-portraiture and figures that float, free of gravity and disconnected in space, this volume offers a brief glimpse of Nerdrum's vision of man's position in the universe. Removed from any earthly landscape, man is not circumscribed by life on earth, but is shown in the deep space of the night sky or the endless depth of primordial waters, free to explore the boundaries of human potential.