Social Music Published by Errant Bodies Press. Edited by Brandon LaBelle. Essays by Achim Wollscheid, Minoru Sato, Giuseppe Ielasi and Michel Henritzi. Foreword by Barbara Schroeder. A collaborative sound-art project by artists from Europe, North America and Japan, Social Music documents a 2001 series of broadcasts on Kunstradio in Vienna. Brandon LaBelle, Minoru Sato and others were commissioned to question, rethink and reinvent radiophonic space as an aural, social and architectural infrastructure. "I wanted very much to create a conceptual framework for organizing the works not so much around making music within the confines of the studio, but by inviting outside influence or social input in determining sound production," LaBelle comments. "Social Music functioned as an overarching umbrella for generating musical and sonic activities that sought out public space, social interaction, spatial discoveries--found sounds, phenomenological tests, conversations between friends..." A beautifully designed object, the book contains a CD and text that come wrapped in cardboard covers.