At The Threshold Of The Visible Miniscule and Small-Scale Art, 1964-1996 Published by Independent Curators International (ICI). Edited by Ralph Rugoff. Contributions by Susan Stewart. This exhibition examines the uses and the value of the miniscule in contemporary art. It traces recent interest in small-scale art back to the late 1960s and early 1970s, highlighting the work of artists such as Ilya Kabakov, Yoko Ono, Joel Shapiro, Hanna Wilke and many others. In surveying this legacy, the collection presents the work of younger artists who draw on the history of Conceptualism with mischievous absurdity, in many cases hinting that art gains significance as it comes close to disappearing, rehearsing its own erasure. The participating artists are Chris Burden, James Lee Byars, Gene Davis, Jessica Diamond, Judy Fiskin, Tom Friedman, Bethan Huws, Ilya Kabakov, Steve Keister, Charles LeDray, Elizabeth LeMoine, Siobhan Liddell, Guy Limone, John Miller, Joan Nelson, Yoko Ono, Aura Rosenberg, Michael Ross, Sam Samore, Hagop Sandaldjian, Peter Santino, Joel Shapiro, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Jeffrey Valance, Hannah Wilke and B. Wurtz.