Architecture Studio Europe: The European Parliament, Strasbourg Published by Charta. Essays by Architecture Studio Europe, Carola von Betrunk. This book, realized in collaboration with Poltrona Frau and enhanced by the graphic design of Massimo Vignelli, invites the reader to walk through the European Parliament in Strasbourg. It offers a complete vision of the impressive architectural complex conceived by the Architecture Studio Europe of Paris--660,000 square feet and 200 feet tall, with 18 floors. The photographs here, taken at night, capture the structure's majestic beauty, and the aerial perspective highlights the waterfront façade and main entrance, as well as the square, hanging garden and the office tower's promenade. Also included are numerous interior shots: the entrance, the hallways, the entrance ramps, the parking lot, the chairs--real works of art that are practical and comfortable as well as pleasing to the eye--and the indoor garden, visible from every part of the complex, which forms the backbone of the building. The book closes with an impressive view of the elliptical entrance courtyard seen from below the office tower.